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Perfect Paw Prints

Doodle Lingo





Doodle Generations


Genetics determine everything when we’re looking at the purebred dog, but if we’re talking about Doodles, you’ve likely noticed some confusing genetic markers. Have you heard someone say I have a F1 Doodle and wondered what the heck that was? Have you wondered why some Doodles have more open coats that are flatter and longer; whereas, other Doodles have very curly looking coat? This is all genetics at play, and since Doodles aren’t a purebred dog and are in a continual state of development, you’re going to hear a lot more references to F1, F1b, F2, F2b, F3 and Multi-Gen. Just about everyone has heard of Mendel and his peas, probably sometime about middle school. You learned an introduction into genetics and how traits are passed down. The terms many breeders use to refer to their Doodles is a reflection of this study of genetics. An F1 puppy is the result of a purebred dog that was bred to a purebred poodle. A F1b is taking a dog that is itself a 50%-50% OES or Bernese/poodle cross (F1) and breeding it back to a “parent” breed (by “parent” breed, we mean either a Bernese, an OES or a poodle, not its actual parent). Generally, a puppy that is F1b will be about 75% poodle and 25% retriever. Now here is where the numbers get a little more confusing…

You’re likely to hear varied information on what is an F2, F3, Multi-gen, etc. What are these? When we say F1b, that denotes that there was a backcross to a “parent” breed, hence the b. So, an F2 means that 2 first generation Doodles were bred together. F2 could also technically refer to a litter produced from a F1 dog bred to a F1b dog (although many refer to this as F2b to denote a higher percentage of poodle in the mix).


Most Doodle breeders consider a F3 as a breeding between F1b to F1b or F2 to F2 or any combination of higher generation Doodles. To save on too many confusing letters and numbers, anything F3 and above is often referred to as Multi-gen to denote that there are multiple generations of Doodles involved.

It is interesting to learn more about how breeds mix together and how traits are captured. Much research has been done in the past mixing domesticated dogs with wild dogs. In the 1950s, a shaggy terrier mix was bred with a captive coyote. What researchers discovered was that there was variation in the first generation mating but even more in the second. Of the 6 puppies reared, 5 resembled shorter legged coyotes, and the 6th had shaggier hair but similar coloration. The second generation or F2 presented more variety with some being much more dog like and others ranging much closer to coyote. The behavior was a mix with all howling like a coyote and intermediate levels of behavior and aggression.

What difference does all this mean to anyone that wants a Doodle? Each level has distinct differences that will be present based on the approximate percentage of poodle vs. retriever. How the genes are inherited is really the determining factor.

The reason why we know what a Yorkshire terrier, German Shepherd Dog, or any other purebred dog looks like is because of a relatively small genetic pool in any given breed. When one Yorkie is bred to another Yorkie, there will be variations, but the end result will still resemble a Yorkie with similar size, coat, and personality.

Since the Doodle has only been around a few decades, there hasn’t been as much time (and as many generations) to create a set type. Also, the benefit of a lower generation cross of a Retriever bred to a Poodle is so wonderful that many breeders will continue this pairing and do not want to create a ‘breed’ with multiple generations. The genetic pool is much larger drawing in from unrelated poodles and unrelated retrievers. Just like with the mixing of dog to coyote, the first generation Doodle will have more variation with coloration, coat type, etc, but a higher level of variation will occur with a F2 (an F1 and F1 parent). Some puppies will be more similar to retrievers and others will be more Poodle like. There is a lack of consistency in the F2 breeding, and for those people wishing to know what their puppy will turn out to be like, the most consistency comes from an F1, F1b or higher generations where a more set type has been allowed to form.

  • ​F1 Doodles are a first generation cross where the puppy is 50 percent other breed and 50 percent poodle. 

  • F1b Doodles are a backcross, puppies are 25 percent other breed and 75 percent poodle. 

  • F2 Doodles are a second generation cross, which means an F1 Bernedoodle crossed with an F1 Bernedoodle. (We do not produce this generation)

  • Multi Gen Doodles


Doodle Sizes


Doodles come in different sizes just like the poodle. Our Doodles come in standard, mini, and tiny. Perfect Paw Prints mainly focuses on mini and tiny Doodles but occasionally we will have a standard litter.

Our Doodles are classified as follows:


Standard Doodles: 50+ pounds 22+ inches at shoulder

Mini Doodles: 20-40 pounds 

Micro Doodles: Under 20 pounds 




Doodle Colors



Traditional Pattern Tri-Color Bernedoodles

This is the classic color & pattern of the Bernese Mountain Dog. It is the most desirable look for the Bernedoodle and harder to produce due to recessive pigment genes. You can also get Traditional marked Tris in chocolate which are

even harder to produce.

Bi Color Bernedoodles
This is the classic pattern of the Bernese Mountain Dog without the tan points on the legs and face.  Bi-color Bernedoodles are stunning.


Bi Color Sheepadoodles

This is the classic look of a Sheepadoodle. Most common is black and white but we also produce brown and white, and in 2019 will have sable and white, and merle and white. 

Sable and Brindle Bernedoodles and Sheepadoodles
The Sable gene is a pattern that affects the coloration of each individual guard hair.  The tips of the guard hair are dark, while the base of the guard hair is lighter.  Sable does not affect cream colored dogs, or white areas or tan points.  Sable Bernedoodles are the second most popular coloration after the tricolors. Brindle is a striped pattern that is an additional gene and lays on top of sable.​

Phantom Bernedoodles and Sheepadoodles
This is the classic pattern of the Bernese Mountain Dog but missing the white.  Phantom Bernedoodles have the markings of a Dobermann/Rottweiler.


Merle Bernedoodles and Sheepadoodles
The merle gene is a pattern that affects coat pigment.  It is not a color itself but produces a marbled look to the affected areas of the coat (does not affect white areas or tan points).  We plan on producing Bi-color, Tri-color and Phantom Merle Bernedoodles and Sheepadoodles in 2019.  They are very unique and absolutely gorgeous.​ Read more about the merle gene here.


Traditional Pattern Parti Marked Bernedoodles and Sheepadoodles
These are Bernedoodles that retain the traditional white facial pattern of the Bernese Mountain Dog but have white marbling over their body.  Amounts of white may vary and the base can be any of the Bernedoodle Colors.


Mis-marked and Parti Marked Bernedoodles and Sheepadoodles 
This is a Bernedoodle who's markings are atypical from the classic pattern, but still as stunning as all other Bernedoodles.


Solid Color Bernedoodles and Sheepadoodles
Possessing the sweet Bernedoodle and Sheepadoodle temperaments that we all know and love in a stunning solid colored dog.

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