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* Goofy, lovable bundles of fluff

* Vast Intelligence

* Eager To Please

* Happy and Delightful

* Adaptible

* Hilarious Antics

* Loyal and Devoted

* Open Hearted

* Loving and Adoring

* Love to be center of Attention

* Perfect Family Dog

What is a Sheepadoodle?


A Sheepadoodle is a designer breed crossing an Old English Sheepdog with a Standard Poodle. Sheepdogs are wonderful family-oriented dogs with a pleasing personality. Their coats are considered low-shedding and Sheepdogs are considered to be, on average, approximately 85% hypoallergenic. When crossing a Sheepdog with a Poodle, you significantly increase the dog's hypoallergenic factor, most are low to non-shedding with a soft, wavy coat. The result is a "smarter" Sheepdog that is ok for allergies, low to non-shedding and a GREAT family dog. These dogs are eager to please, intelligent, extremely trainable and make good companions. They are loyal and very people-oriented and are great with children if raised correctly. Their calm temperament and love for people is notable. Sheepadoodles are becoming a well loved type of dog because of their wonderful temperaments and their teddy bear looks.

Sheepadoodle puppies are incredibly intelligent and easily trained. They make for a wonderful family pet and can even be very good health care service dog or guidance dog. They love to be with their family, play, go for walks, or just be by your side.

Sheepadoodle Temperament

Bernedoodles are best described as gentle giants. They tend to have the best attributes of both the Bernese and the Poodle. They are a happy-go-lucky breed and are fun, loving, goofy, sociable, confident dogs. They are very gentle around both elderly and children and they make excellent therapy and service dogs. Bernedoodles are easy to train and love to work. They are very social and love to be around their humans. Bernedoodles do not do well in an outside kennel and need to be a part of the family.  ​

Sheepadoodle Coat 

​​Every Bernedoodle coat is different. The curlier the coat the less it will shed. Most Bernedoodles have the wavy hair coat that is low to no shed hair type. Most people with allergies are ok with this hair type. Bernedoodles with a more curly coat are more like the poodle and will not shed.  It is very rare to have a bernedoodle with straight hair. The straighter the coat the more it will shed. 

Brushing your Bernedoodle twice a week will make shedding less noticeable. Bernedoodles need to be brushed at least once a week to prevent matting. It is necessary to have your Bernedoodle clipped every few months, you can do this yourself or have a professional do it. 


​Sheepadoodle Sizes 

Bernedoodles come in different sizes just like the poodle. They come in standard, mini, and tiny. 
Perfect Paw Prints mainly produces mini and tiny Sheepadoodles but occasionally we will have a standard litter. Our Sheepadoodles are classified as follows:


Standard Sheepadoodles: 50+ pounds 22+ inches at shoulder

Mini Sheepadoodles: 20-40 pounds 

Tiny Sheepadoodles: Under 20 pounds 


​Sheepadoodle Colors

Sheepadoodles mainly come in black or black and white (silver/white adults). Often times, the black will fade to silver or silver and white, similar to the Old English Sheepdog. Occasionally, Sheepadoodles are born with a lot of white, or almost all white with a touch of black. Old English Sheepdogs do not carry any color genes and they are born black and white but they fade to silver/white once grown. We have no way of knowing if any of our sheepadoodle puppies will stay black/white. Since poodles also carry a fading gene it would be very rare for these pups to stay the color they are as pups once grown. The majority will fade to silver/white like the OES. We also produce brown or brown and white and in the near future we will have merles and tris and sables.


Sheepadoodle Lifespan 

​​Sheepadoodles tend to be healthier than their parents' breeds.


  • The Standard Sheepadoodles live up to 12 to 15 years. 

  • The Mini Sheepadoodles live up to 14 to 16 years.


​Sheepadoodle Generations 

What is The F1, F1b and F2 Sheepadoodle Generations?

  • ​F1 Sheepadoodles are a first generation cross where the puppy is 50 percent Bernese Mountain Dog and 50 percent poodle. 

  • F1b Sheepadoodles are a backcross, puppies are 25 percent Bernese and 75 percent poodle. 

  • F2 Sheepadoodles are a second generation cross, which means an F1 Sheepadoodle crossed with an F1 Sheepadoodle.


Sheepadoodle Health Concerns 

​​Bernedoodles can be prone to hip, elbow dysplasia and eye problems. Just like most other breeds they can get cancer. Genetic testing can reduce the health concerns for Bernedoodles.  

  • Bernese Mountain Dogs need to be tested in  Hips, Elbow, Vwd, and eyes.  

  • Standard Poodles need to be tested for Hips, Eyes, Thyroid, and heart. 

  • Mini Poodles need to be tested in Eyes, Hips, and Vwd.

Training a Sheepadoodle 

It is very important to start your training with your Sheepadoodle puppy the minute you get him/her home. They need parimeters and rules and it is important to enforce these rules from the beginning. A well behaved pet/companion is highly favored, and they don't just happen by accident. They have to be trained. Sheepadoodles, like all dogs, are creatures of habit, they learn by routine, persistence, and consistency.


Sheepadoodle Activity 

​​​Bernedoodles come in many different colors and sizes. We focus on Tricolors, Sable tricolors, Brindles, Phantom, and Blue Merle Tricolors.

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